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BW-CMS · by Bill Weinman

BW-CMS is a new project to create a simple, powerful, and scalable CMS (Content Management System) that can be used by anyone who wants to create a web page or six. It grew from my efforts to create a simple blogging system, and evoved into a CMS when I realized that I wanted something much more flexible than the blogging paradigm.

20 November 2010

I started this project some time ago and I got as far as a working framework. I learned a lot and I've got an idea of where I want to go with it. For now I'm experimenting with Drupal. It seems like a workable system, but it definitely has some flaws (not the least of which is PHP!). But I'm going to play with it for a while and decide what I want to do next.

Since starting this project Python 3 has come out and I really like it. I'll probably use Python 3 when I get around to implementing the next iteration.

31 March 2008

I wrote the following paragraph about two years ago:

In a departure from my previous web projects, I'm writing bw-cms in C. I like C. I like Perl too, but I like C better. Yes, I'm playing favorites. Okay, I also have this other goal of creating a scalable system and I just think C is better suited to that than Perl. And don't get me started on PHP. Seriously. PHP is very broken and it just gets brokener and brokener with every incompatible release. C is the way to go here.

I guess that seemed like a good idea at the time. I never did much work on it; I got busy with life and work. Now I have a real need for a CMS and, looking at the problem I guess you could say I've come to my senses.

BW-CMS is being written in perl. It will be released as part of an overal project to get all my perl modules and a lot of my work from the past ten years cleaned up and submitted to CPAN.

More news in a few weeks.

Would you like to be notified when my new CMS is ready to be tested or used? Sign up to receive occasional announcements about my projects!


Elvis hasn't left the building, he's just in the john.
At BHG Worldwide Headquarters it is now fourteen till three, on Tuesday, 18 February 2025.